Sunday, September 02, 2007


Ursprünglich hochgeladen von knitchickmelly

...the wonderful Phoenix of the Harry Potter series has got his own socks now.

And Cynthia, who loves Fawkes very much has her pair of Fawkes-socks...*grin*

You can download the pattern here:

My notes about the socks:

08-26: Just did it! I cast on.Will make these with 48 stitches and will add one purl stitch to every pattern-repeat. (=3 stitches)Hope she will like them, she thinks Fawkes is "soooooo sweeeeeet"

09-01: I just don't know, why these took me so always seems as if i need longer for the smaller socks than for big men's socks. Maybe also because i have been "ravelling" (being on ravelry..pun intended) so much...*lol*But finally: Finished!Cynthia just loves them!

And Hansi, our budgie, seems to love them too....*ggg*

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