Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Now who ..

 ... put the U in Fun? I don't know, but it doesn't matter anyway, or does it?

Today I put  the first sock aside
and got out my 2,5 mm DPNs ...
- I love my DPNs ... I tried magic-loop, but it just slows me down to snail-speed-knitting -
 soo I continued the second sock on my MAGIC-DPNS
- they give me speed and confidence and the feeling of being "OH SO INTELLIGENT"
because I am able to juggle 5 pointy-sticks at once .. and now what is wrong with that?*giggles*

At 3 pm I caught up with the first sock  (left one on pic is 2nd sock and right is 1rst sock) ..

I think it looks better and it feels better too….I am slowly getting used to the stuff and I am glad …
in fact I am loving it!!! It’s so much fun!

9 pm: leg-part of second sock is finished…

I think I am going to frog sock one tomorrow and reknit it

On a side-note: These socks are supposed to be mine,
but Elena (my middle daughter) is starting to “claim” them ;-) ..
NO! I can't let that happen!!!

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