I put up some "New Year's Resolutions" and promised myself to clean out my "UFO"-basket (UFO=Unfinished Object) this year.
Which means:
1. What is meant to be knit, will be finished this year
2. What will never be finished, will be frogged
So, because I finished the wheat-doily and am not in the mood to knit the socks for my Dad's Birthday, I got this one out of
The Daffodil Design by Marianne Kinzel (out of the 'Second book of Modern Lace Knitting')

Well, I am ashamed of my lack of discipline and my inability to finish certain things in a good measure of time.
No, to be honest, i ran out of the original yarn for this one (the crochet cotton I used was obviously discontinued after being in my stash for about 10 or more years) not far away from the end (only 40 more rows or so), so i didn't frog it but thought maybe the yarn would magically replicate itself and then it would be enough to finish this design.
(which i really wanted to do, since I have already done the 'Balmoral thistle design' and am planning on knitting the 'Rose of England-design')
So there is was and it really sucked, because every time I went into my basket it stared at me and was giving me bad feelings......
In September last year my Mum came to my place and gave me some yarn she bought especially for this project, which was perfect: nearly same colour and same weight of crochet cotton!
And she said: " I really want you to finish that Daffodil Doily! Try this yarn"
But ........ still I just couldn't get my guts together to look up the pattern and get going.
Then the promise i made for this year and a thread on one of the groups in Ravelry
(Group: So much to knit, so little time Thread: Turn your oldest WIP into a FO) made the decision for me.
Not after talking to my Mum on the phone and asking for some encouraging thoughts though.....*lol*
(after all I was still contemplating on frogging the bugger)
And here i go: on Row 131 with the new yarn and growing strong
Thanks to Mum and the Group and all of you out there
(for your sweet comments on my last two doilies really encouraged me!)
I got back into the rhythm of this and i am very happy!
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