Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

As children,
we can’t comprehend
or fully realize
the meaning of a mother’s love,
how tender and how wise
Her patience and her guidance,
her helpful, caring ways,
the special,
thoughtful things she does
to brighten up the days
Years go by before we know
the depth of her concern,
the love in her protectiveness -
it takes so long to learn...
But as we grow,
we understand,
for we look back and see,
Through older eyes and wiser hearts,
her love and loyalty
It’s these and many other things
that make her grow more dear,
More admired
and appreciated
with every passing year.
You’re a wonderful mother.
You’re a beautiful person.
You listen with your heart.
You’re always giving.
You deserve the best.
Mom, You’re Loved and Appreciated!

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