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Für alle die, die Socken auch gerne stricken möchten,
gibt es die Anleitung hier
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Für alle die, die Socken auch gerne stricken möchten,
gibt es die Anleitung hier
Liebe Melly, deine Männerwelten gefallen mir echt super und deine 3 Mädels darfst du mal von mir knuddeln.
Liebe Grüße, Catrin.
Eine sehr schöne Farbe hast Du hier verstrickt! Das Muster dazu passt ausgezeichnet und gefällt mir!
Liebe Grüsse
Hi Melly,
I really like your patterns, but I guess you know that by how many I have purchased. Thanks for including me in your friend's status on Ravelry. I feel it a real honor. Thanks so much.
You are so talented in designing your patterns. will you be releasing this pattern as well as "Catrin's Geheimnis"? I know you needed a break after doing your first KAL and I do not expect you could possibily have had the time so far. I felt badly when you did all the work on the first man's socken and stopped when you thought it was too close to another. That is real professionalism. After all the work, to have to give up a pattern that really was yours only because it looked like another, you have a lot of good feelings toward others.
I am glad I found the time to write to you, I feel you have such great tenderness towards all people. Thanks for you being who you are -- Deb from Minnesota
Eine wirklich superschöne Anleitung. Ich hab meine gestern direkt nach dem Runterladen angestrickt *gg*
LG Claire
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